Tech 5 is a customer-focused team with an extensive candidate network and recruitment consulting experience. These traits help us deliver excellent results for New Zealanders.
We focus on recruiting reliable, dynamic workers for companies across New Zealand. We fill job vacancies in Nelson, Tasman, and Marlborough in the construction, civil, industrial, and commercial industries.
We also work with people seeking job opportunities with an employer who will help them develop their careers. We are passionate about understanding the people looking for new jobs and their career goals. So, we will provide guidance to assist you in your search for preferred jobs in the Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough regions.
Check out our updated list of contract, temporary, part-time, or full-time jobs in Nelson and the wider region. We’re confident we can find you an opportunity that matches your skills, experience, and salary expectations.
Browse Nelson opportunities by job type and region
Browse our database for on-site or remote roles with various Nelson companies. Filter your results by role, job type and location. You can also create a daily job alert to stay up-to-date with our newest listed positions.
Find jobs in Nelson, New Zealand with Tech 5
In business, we understand time is critical for employers. So, our vision is to support our clients in building a productive workplace with engaged staff. Join us, and we will match you to professionals to keep your company moving forward.
The Tech 5 job search engine allows employment seekers to view and apply for unique vacancies in the Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough regions. Apply for the position immediately or contact the Talent Consultant listed for more information.
Create an account with us today, and we’ll help you discover talent or work to suit your needs. Browse for your new job in Nelson NZ now and stay up-to-date with job alerts.
Not an NZ resident but have a valid work visa? Visit our Living in NZ page to uncover helpful resources for living and working in New Zealand.
Call our team on 0800 825 111 or email We wish you the best of luck with your job search in Nelson. We hope to hear from you soon!
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