Tech 5 is a fast-growing recruitment organisation with market knowledge, an extensive candidate network, and years of job consulting experience. These traits help us deliver excellent results for many Christchurch employers who need reliable labourers.
We have the expertise, confidence and ability to fill various positions across construction, engineering, logistics, civil, industrial and commercial industries.
We also work with people seeking job opportunities with an employer committed to helping them thrive in their careers. To us, job seekers are an integral part of our business, and we have the passion to support each person in achieving their career goals.
We guide all applicants in finding a new role that suits them, whether it's a part-time, full-time, temporary, or permanent position. Check out our updated list of Christchurch jobs to find an exciting opportunity that aligns with your skills, experience, and salary expectations.
Find employment in Christchurch and search our database to explore the latest employers seeking talented team members. Filter your results by role, job type and location. Search for temporary, contract, permanent full-time or part-time jobs by location. Set up a daily job alert to stay up-to-date with newly listed roles.
We enjoy working with employers to help build a productive, efficient workplace with an engaged workforce. Our service will match you to job seekers to keep your company moving forward.
The Tech 5 job search engine allows job seekers to view and apply for unique job vacancies in Christchurch. Apply immediately or contact the Talent Consultant listed.
Create an account, and you’ll receive all the latest recruitment news, interview tips, and industry updates. Also, check out our blog for jobseekers and employers.
Join Tech 5 today! We’ll focus on helping you search for talent or work to suit your needs. Browse for new jobs now and create a job alert to stay up-to-date.
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